Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dirty Little Secret

Random Trivial of the day : Expect to see the latest Singapore Idol in a meaningless 7 Eleven Ad.

Since I am sick today, there is nothing much for me to do other than sitting infront of the PC.

Holy Father Jeff sent me this. I didn't know he is into videos of naked men. No wonder he have no interest in Japan Cultural Films.  =X

But do enjoy watching those naked men doing what I would deem impossible ...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Final Countdown

Random Trivial of the day : Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun.


And this fatty here is me ~~~

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Random Trivial of the day : Only Idiots will not notice that all the post titles are actually name of songs.

Goddamnshit, the days sure pass by quickly when you are doing OTs day after day after day...

Me, 10 years old ...~

Within the blink of an eye, I sped thru 2 of my birthdays, watched 1/2 of 2 TVB drama ...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Love Story

Love story is what Liar Game is not about. Its actually a show about an impossibly dumb Kanzaki Nao in a horrible game full of greed, ambition and betrayal. Season 1 kinda concluded the series and I enjoy the climatic battle between the genius swindler Akiyama and master manipulator Yokoya. And was I pleasantly surprised  by the recent announcement of Liar Game Season 2 and a Liar Game Movie.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Poker Face

Goddamnshit, I didn't realise I have not updated my blog  for so long.  Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet and work of course have been eating into my blogging time.

Sad to say, I have to restart my blog with bad news. My HP had finally gave up on me, despite the state of the art extensive repairs that I have carry out on it personally.

The Final Moments

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bleeding Love

Goddamnshit, I love this term more and more. Maybe I should just rename this blog to, if its not taken, is it ?

Due to the amount of "Gui alone time" I have, here I am , giving a review or preview of some show you won't watch. Next on the list, is the insanely popular TV series Dexter. At least it seems to be quite popular in the States yet virtually unknown show in the Motherland, unless you have Cable TV that is.

I assure you thats not Ketchup on his face

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All the things she said.

"Lesbian Vampires,
Just another of God's cruel tricks to get on my tits

Even dead woman would sooner sleep with each other than with me
But eating me alive ? Thats fine...
Next time he'll have me bummed by a big gay werewolf, I swear."- Fletch from Lesbian Vampire Killer

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Perpetual Snow

In less than 10 days, my good friend for I dunno how many monkey years (someone please count for me), Ah Seng will embark on his journey of blissful married life, I wish him all the best. Well, maybe in the future I will have 1 leg short for Mahjong again. Damn, maybe I need to do some recruitment, or start some underground Mahjong club...

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Hard Day's Night

Been trying to keep myself busy during Tracy's absent... Luckily, theres so much show for me to watch like Supernatural Season 5 and 絕代商驕 You're Hired, other than trying to fill in the unbearable vacany in the throne of the Mahjong King.

I have to admit,
You're Hired is a show for aspiring business man like me. Just look at this video, and see how much you can learn.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So sorry for the lack of updates after I said I will try to update once a week...~~~

Not that I am not a man of my words, I do have my reasons.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


So this movie is out too ~ Maybe should grab Tracy to watch with me haha~

Friday, August 14, 2009

What Do You See

NDP came and pass. I was less than impress by the 5 min worth of fireworks. For photos, you can get them from the official site I guess...


How I feel about the NDP ? Just like the poor Dutch lady that had ran out of milk and turned zombie like...

Thou the Cold Play liked song play at the end was not too bad.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Believe ~

Think cold blooded me I shed a few tears as I watch The final moments of Zettai Karashi (Absolute Boy Friend) TV series...

Happy National Day to all~~~

Monday, July 27, 2009

Snake Eater

I am back... in 1 piece, thou not 100% healthy...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Listen to your Heart

Not sure if anyone of you follows GTO ... but his 14 days at Shounan Manga is available... ( don't ask me where thou) ~


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Do you remember the time

Joined the Vista Club since my last great pc crash. So far, Vista has not been giving me much problems other than the constant and never ending act of doubting my decisions.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Viva La Vida

It has been a fruitful weekend for me. Learnt a few new things, got a few new things and notch a few more mahjong games wins under my belt, blah blah blah...

I start off with a video of the 6th Hokage's speech at the Kage Summit.


Guess Danzo is not that welcome...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Now We Are Free

While I was having lunch with my manager and colleague yesterday in my knock off all blue and gold Japan 2009 jersey, I receive a weird call

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Carry On Wayward Son

Watched Terminator : Salavation last week when it premiered with Tracy. Its quite a decent action movie, thou thinking about what will happen if Sky Net managed to kill John Conner kinda fried my brain. By the way, the reason why I mention this now is because I don't wanna spoil the movie for those of you who haven watch it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Making Love Out Of Thin Air

A lot have happened since my last update.

My Grand Dad pass away 1 week ago, leaving the household in a complete utter mess on what to do, more on that later.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm a Believer

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Quando Quando Quando

I have been watching Man VS Wild lately and I have to say... Its one show that cannot put " No animals were humiliated, harmed or killed during production" at its credits.

Friday, April 24, 2009

1 in a Million

Due to a sudden spike in readerships the past few days... I decided to investigate the reason why, thru my web counter... and here are the results...

The increase readerships were mainly redirect from Google search result, and here are the keywords they typed...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Piece of Me

The World is changing...

In the past, Monks stay in temple, hit wooden fish and pratice kung fu high up in the mountains... Nowadays Monk owns 3 house in Singapore, drives a BMW in Australia and once in a blue moon go tv do some stunt... Now, I'm seriously considering my career choice...

A few years back... the only video of gay man I saw circulated wildly in the Internet is Hard Gay...You know, the one that always say " Say Say Say" and "Hooo~", doing good deeds all over Japan. Nowadays, its that video of 2 sweaty and happy men vigerously jamming the daylight out of each other in some HDB void deck stark naked as if there is no tomorrow.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Before I start, what I am about to show here is the partially rephased and a short geist of an omnious letter I recieved today in a cute little envelope with the ugly words " On Government Service" on it. But I have to admit, its my interpration of it is how I felt the sender (a computer generated sender since it say its a computer generated letter) must have felt when it sent the letter. No harm nor insult was intented.

Warning: Strong use of excessive language use by typical Army personal. DO NOT proceed futher is you are offended by terms comparing humans to dogs or various smelly organs.


Greetings, humble slaves of XXX SIR ! I hope this letter finds you well.
( Actually it didn't, it just made my day worse)

Our Battalion has come of age , bla bla bla. Here is the important part my humble slaves, during last 2 years, you bitches have not perform well in your bloodly IPPT with only 34% pass rate. This trend has not been getting better you sluts.

This year, your god, me , has booked 2 IPPT sessions for you. Please note that I want to instill fitness back as a combat unit without any regard of what you mere mortals or dogs have been doing with your mundance life. I am aimming for somewhere beyond 80% pass rates and a nice promotion after that. You smelly CBs better sux it up.

(From 34% to 80% in 2 sessions... hes more ambitious then the worker's party politicians, he should be happy if he can keep the 34%)

You must attend both session. If you don't go, I will F you upside down, inside out, regardless of which company you come from, unless you are a white horsey, in that case, there must be some error as to why you are post under me.

You will find the location of XXXXXXX camp from the map in Annex A I copied from, or is it from SLA, its dosen't matter.

The rest is all bla bla bla

With warmest regards

This is a computer-generated document, no signature is required, there is no one for you to curse and swear at nor complain to.

Your God

Just for your info, I'm in the 66% group. I'm sure the people in the 34% group will feel even more screwed.

Found this in the Internet.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trust You

Testicular Fortitude. That is what you need if you wanna cross the roads of Kuala Lumpur without the aids of traffic light. Just back ( a few days ago actually) from KL with Tracy. Had a great trip, its a great place to shop ^_^.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Its the time of the season, the calm before the storm. As I was peacefully doodling my time away FOR work, I took some time out to doodle some crap to rest my eyes. For starters, like every Bleach fan, there will come a point in life where you think you can design a better Zapakuto, better looking or more powerful or logical than whats shown and here is mine ...

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just a short short post...

What I learnt about myself from the almighty Facebook ~~~

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

我怀念的 (part 3)


I quote Ah Boon who was quoting a primary 4 Chinese text book

我怀念的 (part 2)

This is part 2 of a 3 parts special ^_^

It has been 5 years since the day I enlisted. Things were looking really bad for me then. Forced to go some where I absolutely have no interest nor talent in, somewhere I don't really belong, there are days I thought its all over for me. Yes, I was damn pragmatic back then.

我怀念的 (part1) * Updated*

The past few days have been quite interesting and memorable. Valentines day and the 5th Anniversary of the day I enter into National Slavery, not to forget, dinner with some if not most of my closest buddies ~

Monday, February 9, 2009


To Starhub,

I hate Starhub, Starhub hate me. Seriously, after so many years as a Starhub customer , Maxonline, Power Chat , Cable TV , I have it all, but still I got to admit, Starhub, You Sucks. Your Cable Tv is still ok, thou I can't say the same for your Mobile Network, Maxonline , the fatty green line which is more or less totally choked. Worst of all is your Phone Calls management system or whatever customer service crap calls answering machine you connect me to everytime I seek the help of a human voice.

You put me on hold to speak to a customer service officer for a freaking 2 hrs is my longest call on hold record and 25 min on average. And , never set an automated message asking people to email you when they are calling to asking about lack of Internet connection

I have a 3G phone, but the 3G part really dosen't work that well ( there are days where I have totally no signal) due to "network congestion" in my area according to your Tech Support...

Nowadays, I get to enjoy Internet connections on alternate days. I wonder if I can pay you only 1/2 my bills ?

My MaxOnline and Cable TV Contracts are rolling. Theres a reason why I am not signing up for new ones to get your wonderful goodies. My Mobile plan still have 350 days more to go till it expires. Thats the amount of days for me to endure your horrid services and for me to see if I should jump into the embrace of the red umbrella. Mio dosen't sound all that bad ~

O about the red umbrella dude backstabbing its users by being the 1st to give away the namelist of its users suspected to have done some dubious activities to some dubious company, seriously, you did gave the names too without a fight.

You know , Your services and customer services were not this bad when you just started...

Yours Truly
A very unhappy Customer

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I woke up this noon... to find out that my whole house is deserted, just like that poor guy in 28 days later. Did my house had an outbreak of the Rage virus and I just slept thru it ? Dang, like some light bulb that appear on my head, I remembered that they must have went to my grand ma place for reunion dinner ( Why so early ? )... ~~~~ Guess I have to make the long and dreadful journey out into the wasteland on my own.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated. I am simply too lazy busy to update my blog, thou the extinction of my kind is a stone cold fact. You can't find another single, hardworking as a hippo, as honest and as real as Barney the purple dinosaur that sings and someone who can't spell "Hipopotamus" without searching the internet to save his own life kind of guy on the face of this planet.