Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All the things she said.

"Lesbian Vampires,
Just another of God's cruel tricks to get on my tits

Even dead woman would sooner sleep with each other than with me
But eating me alive ? Thats fine...
Next time he'll have me bummed by a big gay werewolf, I swear."- Fletch from Lesbian Vampire Killer

Goddamnshit, sometimes, I watch what most of you will pass off as a porn flick or some C grade movie simply by looking at the movie title. Lesbian Vampire Killer is one of those kind of movies. I'm not saying its a great movie thou , it is in my book, at best a B minus kind of film. What it offer us, (other than some pretty nice looking  ladies) is old British humor, trying to make you laugh more often with its conversation, unlike the recent trend in  American films where they usually show some guy doing inhumanly retarded acts* cough Borat cough* or getting stonned. Strongly recommended for people who need a dose of fresh air away from American comedy, other than that, avoid it at all cost.

By the way, I am not against nor supporting Gays or Lesbians, we all make our own choice after all.

The reason why some of you might want to watch Lesbian Vampire Killer.

The above mentioned werewolf.

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