Tuesday, November 24, 2009

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Random Trivial of the day : Only Idiots will not notice that all the post titles are actually name of songs.

Goddamnshit, the days sure pass by quickly when you are doing OTs day after day after day...

Me, 10 years old ...~

Within the blink of an eye, I sped thru 2 of my birthdays, watched 1/2 of 2 TVB drama ...

1st and foremost, I would like to thank Tracy for my highly sought after tube of Haagen Dazs Rum and Raisin Ice Cream, all my friends that celebrated my birthday with me, the auntie that gave me free rice and deserts and all of you who are physically or mentally not around who also wished me happy birthday thru Facebook, Sms, MSN or dreaming.

Life maybe be dark cruel and full of poo, but with you people around, it makes the stench bearable.

In between all the OTs, one of the drama I was watching  is 宫心记.

A show about a happy go lucky guy who can talk to tortoise and enjoys looking at the sun with his beautiful wife, would be call Heroes ... 宫心记  is all about plotting and backstabbing. The brave but ball less Eunuch does it, the lowly servant does it, the not so low servant does it, the count official does it, the general does it, the concubines does it, everyone in the freaking palace is backstabbing the daylight out of anyone and everyone.  The show have a mix cast of young and old actor and actress which make it pleasant to the eyes some times. Strongly recommended to people who like to watch a show with a lot of bitching around

The other show I am watching is 富貴門. 

I will come straight to the point. 富貴門,  is a show not meant for people looking for actor or actress pleasing to the eyes. Boosting a cast of old people Veterans, one thing you can expect is great acting. It have the same plot as most other show on filthy rich people with a slight and minor twist. But some times, it really gets to me when I see an auntie trying to seduce an uncle, with "O come O come Emmanuel" playing in the background. There are not much eye candies here, but I'm rooting for my fave character, Topman to have a happy ending . O yeah, they have a character name TOPMAN, it take some balls to name your child that you know... Strongly recommand for people who like to watch old people hugging and kissing Veterans acting.

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