Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Poker Face

Goddamnshit, I didn't realise I have not updated my blog  for so long.  Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet and work of course have been eating into my blogging time.

Sad to say, I have to restart my blog with bad news. My HP had finally gave up on me, despite the state of the art extensive repairs that I have carry out on it personally.

The Final Moments

Fortunately for me, I still had some spare cash with me after my Octo shopping spree, and I managed to get a replacement the next day. As for my N81 8gb edition, It gets to rest in peace, in my HP Graveyard.

Happy members in my HP Graveyard ( the HP in the extreme left lost its way , not meant to be there)

All that said and done, I came into an important realisation over the weekends. Eric Cartman can sing Poker Face better than Lady GaGa...

I am sure the short preview above says it all.

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