Tuesday, February 17, 2009

我怀念的 (part 3)


I quote Ah Boon who was quoting a primary 4 Chinese text book

By the way, its not talking about "woman" in case you are wondering...

Part 3 of 3

Partly due to my unstable stomach, a gathering for Hong Ge's farewell had to be canceled on Sunday night... Forunately, Ah Seng managed to gather most of us on Monday night. For more details and photos of what happen that night, please refer to Ah Seng's blog, Tuesday February 17th entry.

Photo resized to make myself look thinner

To summarise, We all had a great time, with Biao Ge revealing his 16 years master plan to produce 16 children ~ ( Thou I did suggest getting a few more wife would greatly accelerate his plan), Me, revealing the ID of 12 inch, Sam/ Fai/ Long Hands reveal what a mean, bad, despicable scondrel his mother think he is, Seng writing his book "Beginner's guide to relationships", with case study from 9 inch ( not his real name nor is it describling any the phyical properties of any human organ I guess), just to name some of the crap that went on...

O well, all parties gotta come to an end some day. As of this moment, Hong Ge has flew back to Down Under ~

Till his return I guess ~~~

By the way, I offer my blessing to my good friend Yang Guo, who is currently protecting our beloved Motherland with every breath, every drop of his blood and sweat, every strand of his hair, every inch of his soul and shadow doing his ICT in 23 SiG, under the trusty, reilable, outstanding, ever ready , garang, healthy, fit and hot command of their B2, HOT NALA. Yes dear readers. .. its that HOT NALA ~~~ so hot so hot so hot ~~~

Be glad I'm not there ~ phew


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