Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just a short short post...

What I learnt about myself from the almighty Facebook ~~~


Thanks Friends lol~~~
Hmmm... maybe I should talk less haha~~~

Took these photos with my soon to be traded in crappy n81 8gb edition on Wednesday... ~~~When the sun is bloody bright and yet its raining at the same time... a strange sight occurs...


When I just knock off, from where I work...
When I'm near my house...

Time for me to look for that pot of GOLD... and a new phone...

And here is my new found Love, what I dun mind having for breakfast 7 days a week ~~~

Damn.. I forgot what they call this...

And last but not least, for people watch Gundam 00 s2 like me, a picture of Arios combined with GN Archer I found on the net...


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