Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So sorry for the lack of updates after I said I will try to update once a week...~~~

Not that I am not a man of my words, I do have my reasons.


I went to Bangkok for a shopping trip with Tracy

Less than a week after my return, I suffer from serve food posioning.

1 thing led to another, I tranform into the Merlion with a leaking pipe behind too, I became dehydrated, have extremely high temperture ( 39++) and end up spending some quality time in NUH again.

Discharge but have a relapse a few hours later, found out that the combi of medincines given to me was not suitable for me...from another doctor...~

Finally recover after a few days after a water diet of Red Bulls and loving care from Tracy.

While you wait for the next update, do enjoy this song.

How many people would kill to be "Nick"

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