Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Carry On Wayward Son

Watched Terminator : Salavation last week when it premiered with Tracy. Its quite a decent action movie, thou thinking about what will happen if Sky Net managed to kill John Conner kinda fried my brain. By the way, the reason why I mention this now is because I don't wanna spoil the movie for those of you who haven watch it.

Here are some key points I noticed in the movie.

There is alot of male screaming and yelling scenes, its not something you get to see in everyday life (except if you are wearing that ugly green uniform 5 days a week for years). Maybe its due to the post nuclear setting, the radiation got into their brain and makes them dumber and more prone to screaming or something like that.

Batman is not leading the resistence yet, and thats why they are getting outsmart, outplay and over run by the machines. Frankly speaking, hidding a entire army HQ in a sub is not the smartest thing to do. A minor leak might kill all the key people in command.  How I wish Nala is stationed in old and leaking Submarine...

The Transformers are in it.

My mouth went ga ga when I see a Naked Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie. Times must be really bad that a US governor need to become a strip star.

All and all a nice movie that give you a good view of the post nuclear or the Fallout 3 world.

Supernatural season 4 ended for some time....I actually miss seeing those 2 Winchester...~ And.. I find it funny that both the Angels and Demons  says " You are going to be rewarded in ways you can't imagine " to their respective helper... Didn't know both group have the same thinking...Damn.. I can't wait for season 5...

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