Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning

BTW , the title of this post is important to the post, it is also the song played in the Watchmen Trailer and...

Well, Its been quite some time since since I last posted... This is due the the fact that I was bloodly busy with lots of last minute work thrown to me at hourly basis. ( Thank Reenz Jie Jie for the help on the super last minute calender. Hope you didn't apply to much pressure on ... ) Well with only 1 or 2 work left undone, and I'm enjoying the 2nd day of my block leaves, which also happens to be my 2nd annual leave of the year... ='(
Ye I'm such a workoholic... ~

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another Way to Die

Yes, its Two Posts in 1 shot, I'm on a rush today lol~

1st and foremost, there is only 1 way I wanna die, peacefully, in my sleep, preferably without a pillow over my face, and You should skip the next paragraph if you have not watch Quantam of Solance ~

~Shock Shock Horror Horror Shock Shock Horror ~

I am sure, I do not want to be James Bond's friend, seeing how all of them dies horribly, especally that poor chap who was actually still alive, but not very awake, when use by Mr 007 as a human sheild for 2 shots, then have his body thrown into a rubbish bin, adding insult to injury, have all his money in his wallet taken by Mr 007.

~How can heaven hold a place for me ~

I just got to quote Tips " This James Bond have more screen time being totally naked than the female actresses". Notice Actresses , its pural... means more than 1 actress =p Over all it has a nice sound track , fast action sequences ( sometimes too fast) that keep you on your toe....and ~~~But this Bond lacks something... I just can't put a finger to it. Lets just say he reminded me more of Jason Bourne than James Bond =p

On a less brighter note... Lately.. .my life really feel like someone took a poo on it... just when things were finally starting to look good... Will there ever be a dawn in this dark and cold long night I call my life ?

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Soul

Celebrate my mum's birthday at CDAN's Gui Lin resturant...just moment ago ( No, I don't own the resturant). Ordered an 8 course meal , from a menu with alot of words I can hardly read... Its the 2nd or 3rd time the whole family sat down together for dinner this year... Yes, we don't do that often even thou all of us stay under the same room... My family is kinda dysfuctional, that I got to admit...

We reach the resturant at 9, and was really the only customer around. The deco and 'feel' of the resturant can't be compare to Red Star, but I kinda like the place the way it is, quiet.

Everything was going ok, we were chatting nosense as we were waiting for the food, with 4 waitress staring at us. Then, they decided to play some melody in the resturant, I do not know what was the CD that was played, but I guess its most likely " Melodies from great Sad Love songs"

Being someone who is kinda easily distracted~ Its hard for me to stay in a celebrating mood with melody from songs like " Fen Shou Kuai Le - Fish Leong" ,"First Love - Utada Hikaru", "Ta Yi Di Hen Ai Ni - A Do" , "Yi Shi De Mei Hao- Angela ","Zhen De - Angela" and so on. I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say... The killing blow .. was actually when I heard my favourite birthday song melody "Zu Wo Shen Ri Kuai Le- Wen Lan" Thankfully, I did not stand up and start cooning it, that would really ruin the mood...

Truly , I rather they played " Paper Moon - Tommy Heavenly 6" , "New Soul - Yaal Naim", "Prototype - Ishikawa Chiaki", or even " Bubbly - Colbie Caillat". O well ... Most important thing is mum is happy. Good thing she don't listen to pop music haha~~

Monday, November 3, 2008


Its my Lunar Birthday today haha... And... The Moon looks like a smiling face =p
Just the way I like it ...~

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Is it me , or is it really raining everyday, making me all gloomy and cold.. On the bright side, its diluting the Newater being pump into our drinking water...~~~ Was so bored on Saturday that I kinda do all kind of crazy things... like

Looks good on the $10 Boyband material in the 60sMy Youngest Bro lol~

Submiting my photo to Yearbook Yourself.

The 1st photo on the left kinda make me look like a president
The one on the right one make me look like some oldies boyband material
And the last one kinda make me look like my youngest brother loL~

And after messing with my face is not enough, I decided to dig around my house, looking for old photos of myself... since I kinda lost myself lately, maybe revisiting the past can do me some good...

And I found

My Most RA photo. Don't think I will take any photo like this anymore

Most likely being made to do some test again ( refer to post Triangular)
Just look at the items on the tray...
My Ride
Me and my ride.
always the ladies's man
Me and my cousin Jane ( Who got married ealier in the year)

Yes thats about all, thou it dosen't really offer me any insight on what I should be doing...

And 1 last photo ~~~

Mouth Wide Open
Its not really that hard to ID me...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Reason

"For whom are you drawing your sword for, towards who and why ?" - Unknown

Its been 1 days since I stepped into that acursed place - Mandai Hill Camp, where by I am appointed to be the Motherland Army Head Hunter by the divine powers above, without informing me nor seeking my opinion beforehand as usual. Unlike those Imperial Edict read out usually by high ranking eunuch in ancient China, I was simply just given a white envelope, a set of instructions, a list of name of people I dunno that I had to call , track down, and some stickers.

I still feel sick from that trip...~ Did I forgot to mention ? I'm not even going to be compensate for the calls and work I got to do for the Motherland Army ~

Its around 2 years since I last step in there, and frankly speaking, the camp looks suprisingly empty... Maybe all the people have sent out to do part time...We are in a recession after all and franky speaking again as usual, in my personal opinion, our Motherland army is truly like a ginomous white elephant. Looking at my life, my country... sometimes I really wonder if it is worth protecting ...

Its the fall season In Japan... That means New Anime to watch =)
Currently, I'm watching Gundam 00 2nd Season, Casshern Sins and Gai Rei Zero, Soul Eater ~~~
Will give some review after I watch more epsidoes

Do tell me if you have some other recommandation ~~~

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hakanaku mo Towa no Kanashi

The 2nd Season of Gundam 00 was shown 40 mins ago and ended 10 mins ago in Japan. With screen shots like this


And this


(my poor Exia)

( You know, something got to replace Exia)

Leaking all over the Internet within that 10mins, like some guy who can't control his bladders...

I simply can't wait ...~~~to see it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


" Both of you are my wings" - Alto saying that to 2 girls that have romantic interest in him.

I simply can't resist quoting that ( Its like proposing to 2 girls at the same time lol)~~~ Thats how he solved the pesky love triangle that have shadowed Macross Frontier ? But , the 20min concert like and colourful final epsiode of Macross Frontier is just damn good. It was fast paced and the colours are simple just so vibrant, complete with the mandatory missle spamming and close shot of the villain's "I'm gonna get screwed expression" in every Macross series, its like something you can only see in animated movie productions.

Code Geass R2 ended too... with an ending.. I rather not describe... In the mean time, in the latest season of Heroes, they introduced some interesting concepts... an overly emo Peter from the future, an Indian spiderman who may or may not have STDs, Mr Parkman talking to a turtle and the fact that Sylar is simply misunderstood. He do not eat brain, thats disguesting. He merely studies them, and put the skull cap back on his study subject after he studied them. Weather the subject suvires or not is another matter.

Did I forgot to mention.. I'm on MC today... Its like... I'm sick 50% of the time in the whole of Sept... Damn...

Lately , I was reminded by my relatives that when I was young, around 1 year old that cuddly young... I was put to a test by my grand parents. They will put 3 objects a distance away from the young me. The objects are a Buddha Beads, an Abacus and an Ang Ku Kueh. And I will be prompt to crawl foward towards the objects. The object I picked will somehow determined my nature.

When it started, I crawled towards the Buddha Beads , which symbolise wisedom or religous I guess... but but, the result was voided because young me must have mistaken them for grapes as the 1st thing I did was to put the beads in my mouth when I reached it... So... I had to do it again... On my 2nd attempt... I reached out for the Ang Ku Kueh... this time round... nobody stopped me from putting it in my mouth... What does the Ang Ku Kueh symbolise ? I have no idea lol~ But frankly speaking... even till today , I like to eat Ang Ku Kueh, especialy the one with peanut fillings and I like my Ang Ku Kueh to be warm too =)

On an totally unrelated note... my younger brother picked the Abacus on his 1st and only attempt ( meaning he did not put it in his mouth guess).

Monday, September 22, 2008

Do You Remember Love

I know this Post came alot sooner than it should...

It has been an inspiring weekend for me... I have seen so much coincidence and links to my past and not to mention this particular video on Childhood Dreams which I suddenly remember about when I chance upon the book by the presenter Randy Pauch at Popular. Speaking of that video, which also motivated my lazy fat ass into action, I decided to recall what are my childhood dreams .

On a side note, Macross :Do You remember Love is the 1st anime i bought with my own hard earn $$$ around 10 years ago. It also lead me on a road of no return down my addiction to certain genre of anime. The theme song of that movie is Do you remember love, and guess what, I hear that song once again on Sat night while watching Episode 24 of Macross Frontier...So nostalgic.

To the main topic... My childhood dreams... for those of you, who know me well, I always say I wanna be a director or actor in Japan haha~ ( yes, its not becoming the God of Mahjong, I know I have talent but still...) Well I guess thats my childhood dream... But thinking hard upon it, I realise that what I want to be is more of a director, a story teller, to tell a story that everybody will like and love for years to come.

By sheer coincidence again, I chance upon something that might help me achieve this little childish dream of mine and no, I'm not flying off to japan to audition for some films where clothing sense is not required. (Thou that would be great too)... Keep a lookout here soooon ~~~ =p

*Updated* Click here To take a look at my new pet project ~

Really have to thank Randy Pausch, maybe you just help another guy fulfil his childhood dream. May you remain as Trigger in wherever you are right now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Been not blogging for quite a while. Fear not, its not because I'm suffering from some god damn diease or what, its just because I simply have too much show to watch lately~ Have a small break now since I just finished watching the 3rd Season of Supernatural ( Courtesy of Pirate King Tips), catch up on the latest Soul Eater and Code Geass. And guess what, 3rd season of Heroes and 4th season of Supernatural is comming... ~ O , least I forgot, Guni just pass me Harold and Kumar and I still have not finish watching my 太王四神記. Think my next post will be quite long away from this...

Had a weird dream last night ~ Its so vivid too. I dreamt that I have a pet spider. The spider is black in colour with yellow stripes, and its bigger than my palm. And thats not the weridest part... The spider SMSed me, telling me not to be so shock that it is SMSing me...=( Am I going crazy ? Or had I watch too many epsidoes of Supernatural at a go ?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life Goes On

Well for starters, if you have no idea who is Kira Yamato, you should not be reading this post. ( Unless you're really bored or something)

I got the idea for this post upon realising that, my brother is still infatuated with him since that crapy Gundam Seed Destiny ended ,( I do admit the 1st season was of much much better quality thou)and the fact that some of my friends blindly defended him when I called Kira a pussy (he cries alot)compared to Setsuna F Seia. Then it occur to me that the reason might be due to the fact that Kira Yamato is what every man want to be. And heres 3 reason why Kira Yamato is every man's dream.

From right to left : Kira, His best friend
Kira (right) and his best friend Arthun (left) sleeping together.

1) He is the Ultimate Coordinator, and he dosen't know that. (At the begining that is)
Coordinators are human that are geneticly modified before birth to be superior than human in short. And he is the Ultimate one among them, in short again, he is the best ever before he is even born. And he dosen't know that until much later. I bet, all guys( including me) out there, really wanted to be special, to one up everyone else. We all would like to be told by some masked stranger," You are the 300th descendant of Lenodias, you gonna inherited his bod and beard thus becoming the most kick ass person in our plane of reality !" that really will make our day.

Click on the 3rd link here ,in the flash to see how kick ass he is.

2) He have the most advance machinery at his disposal free of charge, not once but thrice. Not to mention the guts to sit on top of some nuclear reactor twice, without the risk of testicles cancer from the radiation, since he is the ULTIMATE coordinator.

Need I explain, I'm sure everyone want to get their hands on the state of the art toys/machine. Free OMG , thats like some kind of added perk.

Latest CB Gundam ~

3) His girlfriend is the most wanted girl in his plane of reality ( in one way or another)
Ever wanted to have a galaxy famous pop Star as your girl ? How about a princess ? A rebel leader ? Twins ? (Ok I know its merely a look alike) Your best friend's fiance ? Kira Yamato have it all ~ roll into one , in the form of the pink princess Lacus Clyne.

Lacus Clyne after finding out about Kira's affair with her 'twin'
Lacus Clyne

Its like fufiling so many guilty fantasies in one man. No wonder so many people still can't get over him. I'm glad, he does not exist in my plane of reality for he will be a real eye sore...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Do You Want To

The stars in the sky are always shiny, just that sometimes they are being block by clouds. Given some time, the clouds will move away by themselves. If we can't wait, we can always generate some wind ( I am not refering to farting) and blow the clouds away. Isn't these true with regards to our daily life too ? Some times, we will encounter problem that will cloud our bright life ( or maybe just our eyes), blocking our shine. We can alway wait for the problem to blow over by itself ( How long ? Nobody knows. Life, like weather, is unpredictable after all), or we can take some action to blow it away by ourselves.

Been having a spilting headache since thursday or maybe ealier... I can't remember...Despite that, I was still doing a major overhauling of my room. While I was clearing some drawers, I found my bible (A book or collection of writings constituting the sacred text of a religion -American Heritage Dictionary ) ... Not the kind you bring to the church or what ( Not that you can't bring it to a church, but if you insist... ) Click on the word bible to have a look at it. I am sure, its one of the holy items that made me the man I am today.

In the meantime, I will take some Panadols to 'blow' my headache away... After all. I never was and never will be the type of person that can sit and wait for the clouds blow away by themselves, thou I do enjoy lazing on somewhere, watching the stars in the sky...hoping to catch a glimpse of a shooting star.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Para Para Sakura

Been having on off flowing diarrhora for past few days, believe me, it has nothing much to do the the previous post, its just my crappy eating habbits. Chocolates are still safe and fun to eat.

I have something very important annoucement. For all the Guys out there, do not watch the movie Teeth at all cost. I have nothing against the Film, its just for your own good. There is a high chance that you will completely lose your mojo upon viewing of it. For those of you who have no idea what movie is that, lets just say it centers around the urban legend of Vagina Dentata. Do not be mis direct by the word Vagina ... I will watch the film it in its full glory only when the Myth Busters have bust that myth, until then I shall avoid it.

For the Girls, go watch it for a good laugh. I think you will like it =)

And last but not least, Guys do not attempt to click on any link you find in this post unless you want to gain a new phobia.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wouldn't It Be Nice

I truly believe, some people are born genius, I for example is not. But I'm ok with it. Some life begins in a bar of Calbury Boost from a pack of 16. Now, imagine that particular life form bursting out when some chocolate craving fool happily open his 14th pack. I wonder how it felt when it learnt that its brothers or sisters have might been chew by the above mention fool.

Now Now, put yourself in my shoe, the shoe of the chocolate craving fool, who saw something unsual in the 13th pack, thinking maybe the cameral leaked out ( since its not moving) and continued to eat it, until he spoted a maggot head ( or ass, I can't tell) in the 14th pack, wiggling around.

Trust me... my kness went weak and jelly liked. Its not the sight of the maggot that scared me. Its the thought that I might have bite, chew, rolled around my tongue and played in my mouth its brothers and sisters the past 3 days. I quote Free from Soul Eater ," Goddamn Shit".

O well since my knees were too weak, my dad brought the above mention bar of chocolate, and the remaining 2 un open pack of Boost with the recipt ( yes I do keep them) back to NTUC, which vertified that its most likely that its something not meant to be there by offering my dad another 16 pack Boost or another item with similar price , which my dad kindly rejected.

The above mention bar of Boost of life. Its not clear... I have a lousey camera, but look closely at expose right corner.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Shine for Singapore

Its Singapore 43 National day. Well since I promised to be nice... I will just say all the nice things about my country.

Done. Now for something more important

I 'm Really happy ... shopping thearpy does help. Got myself this

Its 100cm by 120cm

Damn, I am like staring at it most of the time ...~ And playing Rich man online at the same time...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Interview Questions

I have no interview to attend any time soon, but Guni does... and as we were discuessing how to handle tough interview qns, a few interesting answers creep into our minds. Its a good read for those of you going for interview of any kind~

Qns: Tell me your weakness ?
Possible Answers :
I'm a workaholic.

I'm a perfectionist. when things are not perfect, I'm not happy.

I have no weakness.

Qns: Looking back, what would you change in your life ?
Possible Answer :

Comming for this interview ?

Qns: Whats the toughest decsion you have to make in your life ?
Possible answer :
Deciding whats for lunch just now.

Deciding if I should extend my NS, serve my country, help in NDP under the hot sun under some control freak in an ugly green uniform or ORD my way to freedom.

Deciding if I should come for this interview or stay in bed.

Thinking if I should use my left hand or right hand to wipe my ass.

And after that... our conversation continued into something like this...

Guni : I use left
Guni : No
Guni : Right
Gui : I use right
Guni : I use right
Guni : Think most people use right to wipe


Saturday, July 26, 2008


Been sooo sooo sooo busy that I can't do a proper post I really need a break, go somewhere .. go somewhere special... But 1st and foremost, I must share this with everyone, The Dark Knight is great, go watch it if you have not. Thou I have to admit, I don't like and have no idea why Bruce's voice changed to that rough and unclear mode when he put on the mask... It makes it damn hard to hears whats he is saying... This film, have nevertheless wipe from my memory the Batman with nipples from my memory. Good Riddence.

I have no Idea what they are for...

My house is currently under going some minor renovation... Finally, after so many years, my father changed the broken toilet door... And I must say... the new door looks great... So great that I think...the nicest looking place in my flat is the toilet door... ~ Think maybe I must convience him to change my curtain, and then renovate the whole flate to fit the toilet door...

After looking at the new toilet door, I was inspired to clean up my room which is not too much different from a pig sly, minus the pig and the mud. I did not too bad, managed to squeeze all the ugly army stuff in some corners of the room where the naked eyes can't see, swept and mop the floor with Dettol, cleaned the wall of the lizard dropings, clear my table. If I could, I would fog the room too, too bad I can't.

Isn't it inspiring what a brand new toilet door can do for me... now if only they change it weekly...~By the way, click here to see a promo for season 2 of Gundam 00.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Why So Serious

Which Dark Knight Character Are You?

You are Joker. When people see you coming they usually scurry away like mice! You are moody and dark and extremely intense. You can be cool and calm one moment, but then wild and crazy the next! You seek revenge on those that have hurt you- and your revenge is often much worse than anything imagined. You are a feared leader, and take challenges very seriously. You will do whatever it takes- with no exception- to get what you want. You are confident and intelligent and tell the world exactly what you think- and you apologize for nothing!

Find Your Character @

Now now, this really isn't a serious concern. Nobody have to hide their sharp objects from me...


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Life is Like a Boat

Was Feeling kinda nostagic when OCK ask me to name old school HK comedy. The 1st title that came to my mind was Love on a delivary. Heres a not too short clip on it.

Sorry to those who don't understand Cantonese. Reading the subtitle will only give you 1/2 the joy that I had when I was re-watching it last night.

Lately, I feel that the power above ( God or whatever you like to call him/her/it/them) had got bored of sodomising my soul. They have decided to sodomise my friends' soul instead. Seeing how my friends had become saddens me. Not that I am appealing to the powers above to sodomise me instead, but I do hope that they can go take a break or something like that.

In another news, with no relation to sodomising of any kind. If everyone reading this can recall, some people decide to raise the taxes and give themselve a hefty pay raise at the same time last year...( No, please do not link the tax raise to their pay raise, they are Honest people with intergrity you know). Today, I was kinda in shocked, when I read in the news that one of those people is advicing Employers not to increase the wages of Employee because it will lead to inflation. I wonder, didn't the same people considered this Inflation problem when they raises the tax ? Or when they raise their own wage ? So raising their own wages will not lead to inflation ? So many important decisions to make, its hardly a mistake to overlook that right...

O by the way, I simply admire those people. I would love to be one of those people who will NEVER make mistakes. Those people who can keep their job till they die no matter what happened. Its more than a golden rice bowl. Its a golden rice bowl embedded with 10 caret diamonds. And you know what, I don't mind going around kissing babies. Its my dream job. My life is no different from a sail boat now, I can only go where the wind blows. Please blow me there :p

And just incase a sudden sodomy charge is trump against me, I hereby declare that I have no interest in playing with human's, animal's or alien's Ka Chng...

Monday, June 30, 2008

You're Still You

As of today, this blog is officially open to public :p Thus, the completely new look, base on feedbacks I recived. Keep them comming people...~

I was reading an article on Ads of the future some time ago , and one particular concept is how they are planning to show customised Ads on your TV , base on your financial condition. This is a must read for anyone taking marketing. *cough*Yang Guo*cough*

The following is an example of that particular concept.

"The high-income family may get an ad showing a man buying his wife a new diamond necklace, while the poor family next door will get the same ad except, but maybe with an added bit where the guy sells a kidney so he can afford it first. "

I swear the example is provided by the site where i read the article from.
It sure seems like something I won't want to see on my TV, for should it ever appear, I bet it will show the man selling a kidney, his left hand and maybe his backside...

And now here I am, siting alone in my room, speaking to my inner self, as I await the return of Tips, the Pirate King ~

For those of you who still don't know about it, this is what I want to see on my TV.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Back from a suprisingly pleasant ICT ~
Thou I have collected some "black greens" and a tan, it was quite worth it as I finally got my marksman award ~~ Thou its not really 100% due to my superb shooting, and the fact that my night blindness almost cost me the award, I only care about the results haha~
The guy in this video remind me of myself ^_^ Especially the "out smart" quote haha~

Enjoy ~

Monday, June 16, 2008


Just a few more hours to my ICT. This shall be my last post till my return. This is the 2nd time I go for an ICT on the Anniversay of my ORD.

For those who don't know, the song playing in the background currently is 曹格 - 背叛. Life is full of weird concidence. For the past few days, I have been having the same dream of a certain unhappy event that happened more than 2 years ago. Upon hearing this song in TV ads, I am further reminded of the gloomy weather and the decisions I made back then . For someone who is suffering from poor working memory like me, I am suprise that I can still remember the event in detail.

I wonder, isn't that event concluded ... This sudden nostagia bout is irrating me. As I do not have a time machine, remembering so much about the past unhappy events is not going to change anything, and yet part of me seem to be linger onto that piece of memory, as if its reminding me that I am going to lose something precious...

Friday, June 13, 2008

On Your Mark

I wonder how many of you found this blog by yourself ? But as you can see, there is still alot of work in progress going on here. Nevertheless I will congrate you on finding here before I tell you about it. You truly must be someone who understand me well. Give yourself a chocolate bar.

As you can tell by now, this is slightly different from The Gui Files. It will be less entertaining, as its more on the reflections I have on my mudance daily life. There will be less bitching, pictures, movies and low blows on various useless orgainzation or people.

It will simply be more about things from the point of view of the other half of Gui, the not yet insane half.