Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life Goes On

Well for starters, if you have no idea who is Kira Yamato, you should not be reading this post. ( Unless you're really bored or something)

I got the idea for this post upon realising that, my brother is still infatuated with him since that crapy Gundam Seed Destiny ended ,( I do admit the 1st season was of much much better quality thou)and the fact that some of my friends blindly defended him when I called Kira a pussy (he cries alot)compared to Setsuna F Seia. Then it occur to me that the reason might be due to the fact that Kira Yamato is what every man want to be. And heres 3 reason why Kira Yamato is every man's dream.

From right to left : Kira, His best friend
Kira (right) and his best friend Arthun (left) sleeping together.

1) He is the Ultimate Coordinator, and he dosen't know that. (At the begining that is)
Coordinators are human that are geneticly modified before birth to be superior than human in short. And he is the Ultimate one among them, in short again, he is the best ever before he is even born. And he dosen't know that until much later. I bet, all guys( including me) out there, really wanted to be special, to one up everyone else. We all would like to be told by some masked stranger," You are the 300th descendant of Lenodias, you gonna inherited his bod and beard thus becoming the most kick ass person in our plane of reality !" that really will make our day.

Click on the 3rd link here ,in the flash to see how kick ass he is.

2) He have the most advance machinery at his disposal free of charge, not once but thrice. Not to mention the guts to sit on top of some nuclear reactor twice, without the risk of testicles cancer from the radiation, since he is the ULTIMATE coordinator.

Need I explain, I'm sure everyone want to get their hands on the state of the art toys/machine. Free OMG , thats like some kind of added perk.

Latest CB Gundam ~

3) His girlfriend is the most wanted girl in his plane of reality ( in one way or another)
Ever wanted to have a galaxy famous pop Star as your girl ? How about a princess ? A rebel leader ? Twins ? (Ok I know its merely a look alike) Your best friend's fiance ? Kira Yamato have it all ~ roll into one , in the form of the pink princess Lacus Clyne.

Lacus Clyne after finding out about Kira's affair with her 'twin'
Lacus Clyne

Its like fufiling so many guilty fantasies in one man. No wonder so many people still can't get over him. I'm glad, he does not exist in my plane of reality for he will be a real eye sore...

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