Saturday, August 23, 2008

Do You Want To

The stars in the sky are always shiny, just that sometimes they are being block by clouds. Given some time, the clouds will move away by themselves. If we can't wait, we can always generate some wind ( I am not refering to farting) and blow the clouds away. Isn't these true with regards to our daily life too ? Some times, we will encounter problem that will cloud our bright life ( or maybe just our eyes), blocking our shine. We can alway wait for the problem to blow over by itself ( How long ? Nobody knows. Life, like weather, is unpredictable after all), or we can take some action to blow it away by ourselves.

Been having a spilting headache since thursday or maybe ealier... I can't remember...Despite that, I was still doing a major overhauling of my room. While I was clearing some drawers, I found my bible (A book or collection of writings constituting the sacred text of a religion -American Heritage Dictionary ) ... Not the kind you bring to the church or what ( Not that you can't bring it to a church, but if you insist... ) Click on the word bible to have a look at it. I am sure, its one of the holy items that made me the man I am today.

In the meantime, I will take some Panadols to 'blow' my headache away... After all. I never was and never will be the type of person that can sit and wait for the clouds blow away by themselves, thou I do enjoy lazing on somewhere, watching the stars in the sky...hoping to catch a glimpse of a shooting star.

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