Monday, August 4, 2008

Interview Questions

I have no interview to attend any time soon, but Guni does... and as we were discuessing how to handle tough interview qns, a few interesting answers creep into our minds. Its a good read for those of you going for interview of any kind~

Qns: Tell me your weakness ?
Possible Answers :
I'm a workaholic.

I'm a perfectionist. when things are not perfect, I'm not happy.

I have no weakness.

Qns: Looking back, what would you change in your life ?
Possible Answer :

Comming for this interview ?

Qns: Whats the toughest decsion you have to make in your life ?
Possible answer :
Deciding whats for lunch just now.

Deciding if I should extend my NS, serve my country, help in NDP under the hot sun under some control freak in an ugly green uniform or ORD my way to freedom.

Deciding if I should come for this interview or stay in bed.

Thinking if I should use my left hand or right hand to wipe my ass.

And after that... our conversation continued into something like this...

Guni : I use left
Guni : No
Guni : Right
Gui : I use right
Guni : I use right
Guni : Think most people use right to wipe


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