Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another Way to Die

Yes, its Two Posts in 1 shot, I'm on a rush today lol~

1st and foremost, there is only 1 way I wanna die, peacefully, in my sleep, preferably without a pillow over my face, and You should skip the next paragraph if you have not watch Quantam of Solance ~

~Shock Shock Horror Horror Shock Shock Horror ~

I am sure, I do not want to be James Bond's friend, seeing how all of them dies horribly, especally that poor chap who was actually still alive, but not very awake, when use by Mr 007 as a human sheild for 2 shots, then have his body thrown into a rubbish bin, adding insult to injury, have all his money in his wallet taken by Mr 007.

~How can heaven hold a place for me ~

I just got to quote Tips " This James Bond have more screen time being totally naked than the female actresses". Notice Actresses , its pural... means more than 1 actress =p Over all it has a nice sound track , fast action sequences ( sometimes too fast) that keep you on your toe....and ~~~But this Bond lacks something... I just can't put a finger to it. Lets just say he reminded me more of Jason Bourne than James Bond =p

On a less brighter note... Lately.. .my life really feel like someone took a poo on it... just when things were finally starting to look good... Will there ever be a dawn in this dark and cold long night I call my life ?

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