Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning

BTW , the title of this post is important to the post, it is also the song played in the Watchmen Trailer and...

Well, Its been quite some time since since I last posted... This is due the the fact that I was bloodly busy with lots of last minute work thrown to me at hourly basis. ( Thank Reenz Jie Jie for the help on the super last minute calender. Hope you didn't apply to much pressure on ... ) Well with only 1 or 2 work left undone, and I'm enjoying the 2nd day of my block leaves, which also happens to be my 2nd annual leave of the year... ='(
Ye I'm such a workoholic... ~

Before I carry on , I shall flash back to a certain event around 3 weeks ago ~~~

3 weeks ago, as I am sumitting my Leaves application.

Boss : Thats alot of leave you are taking.
Me : Ya
Boss : So what are you going to do in all that free time ?
Me : Stay at home sleep, need alot to compensate for the year.
Boss : You should spend time with your girlfriend.
Me: I don't have a girlfriend.
Boss: Spend your 3 weeks leaves to look for 1.
Me : Can I have 6 weeks instead ?

End of flash back

Now now, its just the 2nd day of my leave, and an errie empitiness has creep over me. As I try to pass time by reading Wikipedia ( watching Naruto , Bleach, Soul Eater, Gundam 00 s2 Heroes s3 Supernatural s4 can only take up so much of my time), I came across an article that kinda made me wanna skip lunch...

I quote ( Read the words in quote if you intend to skip a meal or 2)

"The human mouth form when the opening that becomes the anus tunnels through the embryo and comes out the other side."

So its linked after all... the same hole... *points to title*
Well I always wonder who is so free to come out with such research...

Speaking about human... Can Cpt America and Indian Spiderman beat Sylar in Heroes next week?

Anyway back to our world

Life is all rosy for me currently but it could still be better =p

Grandma is still in hospital , I got chase out by nurse after visiting her for 5 min... (Visiting hour over)

Came to the conclusion that my table might be in the toilet if one of my good friend who shall not be named holds a wedding banquet. ( I hope I figured it out wrongly)


Did Kakashi died ? T.T
Didn't notice I have been reading Naruto for 10 years ...

Alot of things is happening right now around me, I too sometimes also don't know how to react, lets see how things go... ~ it truly is the Begining is the End is the Beginnning situation.

Oh wait, almost forgot to thank everyone who celebrated my B day with me around 3 weeks ago ... Sorry ah ~~~

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