Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life Goes On

Well for starters, if you have no idea who is Kira Yamato, you should not be reading this post. ( Unless you're really bored or something)

I got the idea for this post upon realising that, my brother is still infatuated with him since that crapy Gundam Seed Destiny ended ,( I do admit the 1st season was of much much better quality thou)and the fact that some of my friends blindly defended him when I called Kira a pussy (he cries alot)compared to Setsuna F Seia. Then it occur to me that the reason might be due to the fact that Kira Yamato is what every man want to be. And heres 3 reason why Kira Yamato is every man's dream.

From right to left : Kira, His best friend
Kira (right) and his best friend Arthun (left) sleeping together.

1) He is the Ultimate Coordinator, and he dosen't know that. (At the begining that is)
Coordinators are human that are geneticly modified before birth to be superior than human in short. And he is the Ultimate one among them, in short again, he is the best ever before he is even born. And he dosen't know that until much later. I bet, all guys( including me) out there, really wanted to be special, to one up everyone else. We all would like to be told by some masked stranger," You are the 300th descendant of Lenodias, you gonna inherited his bod and beard thus becoming the most kick ass person in our plane of reality !" that really will make our day.

Click on the 3rd link here ,in the flash to see how kick ass he is.

2) He have the most advance machinery at his disposal free of charge, not once but thrice. Not to mention the guts to sit on top of some nuclear reactor twice, without the risk of testicles cancer from the radiation, since he is the ULTIMATE coordinator.

Need I explain, I'm sure everyone want to get their hands on the state of the art toys/machine. Free OMG , thats like some kind of added perk.

Latest CB Gundam ~

3) His girlfriend is the most wanted girl in his plane of reality ( in one way or another)
Ever wanted to have a galaxy famous pop Star as your girl ? How about a princess ? A rebel leader ? Twins ? (Ok I know its merely a look alike) Your best friend's fiance ? Kira Yamato have it all ~ roll into one , in the form of the pink princess Lacus Clyne.

Lacus Clyne after finding out about Kira's affair with her 'twin'
Lacus Clyne

Its like fufiling so many guilty fantasies in one man. No wonder so many people still can't get over him. I'm glad, he does not exist in my plane of reality for he will be a real eye sore...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Do You Want To

The stars in the sky are always shiny, just that sometimes they are being block by clouds. Given some time, the clouds will move away by themselves. If we can't wait, we can always generate some wind ( I am not refering to farting) and blow the clouds away. Isn't these true with regards to our daily life too ? Some times, we will encounter problem that will cloud our bright life ( or maybe just our eyes), blocking our shine. We can alway wait for the problem to blow over by itself ( How long ? Nobody knows. Life, like weather, is unpredictable after all), or we can take some action to blow it away by ourselves.

Been having a spilting headache since thursday or maybe ealier... I can't remember...Despite that, I was still doing a major overhauling of my room. While I was clearing some drawers, I found my bible (A book or collection of writings constituting the sacred text of a religion -American Heritage Dictionary ) ... Not the kind you bring to the church or what ( Not that you can't bring it to a church, but if you insist... ) Click on the word bible to have a look at it. I am sure, its one of the holy items that made me the man I am today.

In the meantime, I will take some Panadols to 'blow' my headache away... After all. I never was and never will be the type of person that can sit and wait for the clouds blow away by themselves, thou I do enjoy lazing on somewhere, watching the stars in the sky...hoping to catch a glimpse of a shooting star.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Para Para Sakura

Been having on off flowing diarrhora for past few days, believe me, it has nothing much to do the the previous post, its just my crappy eating habbits. Chocolates are still safe and fun to eat.

I have something very important annoucement. For all the Guys out there, do not watch the movie Teeth at all cost. I have nothing against the Film, its just for your own good. There is a high chance that you will completely lose your mojo upon viewing of it. For those of you who have no idea what movie is that, lets just say it centers around the urban legend of Vagina Dentata. Do not be mis direct by the word Vagina ... I will watch the film it in its full glory only when the Myth Busters have bust that myth, until then I shall avoid it.

For the Girls, go watch it for a good laugh. I think you will like it =)

And last but not least, Guys do not attempt to click on any link you find in this post unless you want to gain a new phobia.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wouldn't It Be Nice

I truly believe, some people are born genius, I for example is not. But I'm ok with it. Some life begins in a bar of Calbury Boost from a pack of 16. Now, imagine that particular life form bursting out when some chocolate craving fool happily open his 14th pack. I wonder how it felt when it learnt that its brothers or sisters have might been chew by the above mention fool.

Now Now, put yourself in my shoe, the shoe of the chocolate craving fool, who saw something unsual in the 13th pack, thinking maybe the cameral leaked out ( since its not moving) and continued to eat it, until he spoted a maggot head ( or ass, I can't tell) in the 14th pack, wiggling around.

Trust me... my kness went weak and jelly liked. Its not the sight of the maggot that scared me. Its the thought that I might have bite, chew, rolled around my tongue and played in my mouth its brothers and sisters the past 3 days. I quote Free from Soul Eater ," Goddamn Shit".

O well since my knees were too weak, my dad brought the above mention bar of chocolate, and the remaining 2 un open pack of Boost with the recipt ( yes I do keep them) back to NTUC, which vertified that its most likely that its something not meant to be there by offering my dad another 16 pack Boost or another item with similar price , which my dad kindly rejected.

The above mention bar of Boost of life. Its not clear... I have a lousey camera, but look closely at expose right corner.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Shine for Singapore

Its Singapore 43 National day. Well since I promised to be nice... I will just say all the nice things about my country.

Done. Now for something more important

I 'm Really happy ... shopping thearpy does help. Got myself this

Its 100cm by 120cm

Damn, I am like staring at it most of the time ...~ And playing Rich man online at the same time...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Interview Questions

I have no interview to attend any time soon, but Guni does... and as we were discuessing how to handle tough interview qns, a few interesting answers creep into our minds. Its a good read for those of you going for interview of any kind~

Qns: Tell me your weakness ?
Possible Answers :
I'm a workaholic.

I'm a perfectionist. when things are not perfect, I'm not happy.

I have no weakness.

Qns: Looking back, what would you change in your life ?
Possible Answer :

Comming for this interview ?

Qns: Whats the toughest decsion you have to make in your life ?
Possible answer :
Deciding whats for lunch just now.

Deciding if I should extend my NS, serve my country, help in NDP under the hot sun under some control freak in an ugly green uniform or ORD my way to freedom.

Deciding if I should come for this interview or stay in bed.

Thinking if I should use my left hand or right hand to wipe my ass.

And after that... our conversation continued into something like this...

Guni : I use left
Guni : No
Guni : Right
Gui : I use right
Guni : I use right
Guni : Think most people use right to wipe
