Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ancient China "Batman and Robin "

Being one of the biggest Batman fan ever, how can I not recognize this ...

Comes with the raspy voice too
Chance upon this while I was watching 秋香怒點唐伯虎.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Craddle Will Fall

Random Fact of the day : rocks.

Goddamnshit, didn't realise I didn't update my blog for so long. I am sorry, I am over engross in saving Cocoon from The Fai Cie evil plans. And after that, I have beat the daylight out of some 1000++ tortoise and a possible relative of mine call Long Gui. And here is my reward for being absent in life  for so long.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Take a Bow

Random Fact of the Day : The opening  fight between Kshatriya and the Jegan in Gundam Unicorn is awesome.

Goddamnshit, it has been so long since the Gundam series return to their Universal Century storyline and 80's hair style.Being a nameless grunt myself I  felt a strong sense of pride when I see some nameless grunt giving ace pilot a hard time.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Not Nineteen Forever

Random Fact of The Day : I read Wikipedia

And I came across this.

Click on it if you can't read it.
Its from this page anyway

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I cannot forgive

Random Fact of the day : Don't Mess with Tony Jaa's Elephant

Tracy is engross with 妻子的诱惑 ( Cruel Temptation). I don't know why but all the male characters in the show are incapable of making a decent decision, cry over the simplest of thing. Maybe that's what girls like, watching guys behave like girls. =X

Oh I do admit some times I enjoy watching the girls bitching around, stabbing 1 another.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is the new Sh*t

Random Fact of the day :  How did BLEACH last so long without a plot ? Because it have an invincible Villain and a Hero who will never die.

Goddamshit, it has been quite long since I last post. This is mainly due to the fact that I am busy doing violence on the Dark Spawns , Dwarfs, Elves, Humans  of Ferelden. In fact, I do violence on anyone who oppose me in Dragon Age Origin. Damn, I love to quote the little midget from Bleach...

Video : Difference between Batman and Lex Luthor

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Random Fact of the day : Evil people do not wash their hands after doing their business in the toilet.

Thats Lex Luther by the way. You know, the bald guy always trying to kill superman.

I am still sick since my last post...~ That explains my sudden disappearance  for quite some time. Life sucks, I end the year sick, I start the year sicker...I wonder how 2010 will be for me... In my moment of pain and great weakness, I came to appreciate the weirdness of Lady Gaga's Music Videos, but thats another topic for another post. You can just look at the videos in at Youtube.