Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is the new Sh*t

Random Fact of the day :  How did BLEACH last so long without a plot ? Because it have an invincible Villain and a Hero who will never die.

Goddamshit, it has been quite long since I last post. This is mainly due to the fact that I am busy doing violence on the Dark Spawns , Dwarfs, Elves, Humans  of Ferelden. In fact, I do violence on anyone who oppose me in Dragon Age Origin. Damn, I love to quote the little midget from Bleach...

Video : Difference between Batman and Lex Luthor

My A Team

During my long absent from the workforce~ I came to realise  1 important fact. I cannot remain unemployed for long due to the fact that it is bloody hot in Singapore during noon time. Its so hot, I can't get a proper nap during noon time without switching on the aircon. Being a responsible human on the face of planet Earth, how can I contribute to green house gases in my humble pursuit of happiness. Now I'm starting to miss the freezing hell from my last endeavour in the workforce.

So its about time I stop doing violence on the poor citizens of Ferelden, at least until the expansion comes out, and contribute to the greater good of the motherland...~ Looks like an end is in sight for my break , I have to quote my favourite talking Golem from Dragon Age : Orgin.

"Pigeon Crap"

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