Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is the new Sh*t

Random Fact of the day :  How did BLEACH last so long without a plot ? Because it have an invincible Villain and a Hero who will never die.

Goddamshit, it has been quite long since I last post. This is mainly due to the fact that I am busy doing violence on the Dark Spawns , Dwarfs, Elves, Humans  of Ferelden. In fact, I do violence on anyone who oppose me in Dragon Age Origin. Damn, I love to quote the little midget from Bleach...

Video : Difference between Batman and Lex Luthor

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Random Fact of the day : Evil people do not wash their hands after doing their business in the toilet.

Thats Lex Luther by the way. You know, the bald guy always trying to kill superman.

I am still sick since my last post...~ That explains my sudden disappearance  for quite some time. Life sucks, I end the year sick, I start the year sicker...I wonder how 2010 will be for me... In my moment of pain and great weakness, I came to appreciate the weirdness of Lady Gaga's Music Videos, but thats another topic for another post. You can just look at the videos in at Youtube.