Tuesday, September 30, 2008


" Both of you are my wings" - Alto saying that to 2 girls that have romantic interest in him.

I simply can't resist quoting that ( Its like proposing to 2 girls at the same time lol)~~~ Thats how he solved the pesky love triangle that have shadowed Macross Frontier ? But , the 20min concert like and colourful final epsiode of Macross Frontier is just damn good. It was fast paced and the colours are simple just so vibrant, complete with the mandatory missle spamming and close shot of the villain's "I'm gonna get screwed expression" in every Macross series, its like something you can only see in animated movie productions.

Code Geass R2 ended too... with an ending.. I rather not describe... In the mean time, in the latest season of Heroes, they introduced some interesting concepts... an overly emo Peter from the future, an Indian spiderman who may or may not have STDs, Mr Parkman talking to a turtle and the fact that Sylar is simply misunderstood. He do not eat brain, thats disguesting. He merely studies them, and put the skull cap back on his study subject after he studied them. Weather the subject suvires or not is another matter.

Did I forgot to mention.. I'm on MC today... Its like... I'm sick 50% of the time in the whole of Sept... Damn...

Lately , I was reminded by my relatives that when I was young, around 1 year old that cuddly young... I was put to a test by my grand parents. They will put 3 objects a distance away from the young me. The objects are a Buddha Beads, an Abacus and an Ang Ku Kueh. And I will be prompt to crawl foward towards the objects. The object I picked will somehow determined my nature.

When it started, I crawled towards the Buddha Beads , which symbolise wisedom or religous I guess... but but, the result was voided because young me must have mistaken them for grapes as the 1st thing I did was to put the beads in my mouth when I reached it... So... I had to do it again... On my 2nd attempt... I reached out for the Ang Ku Kueh... this time round... nobody stopped me from putting it in my mouth... What does the Ang Ku Kueh symbolise ? I have no idea lol~ But frankly speaking... even till today , I like to eat Ang Ku Kueh, especialy the one with peanut fillings and I like my Ang Ku Kueh to be warm too =)

On an totally unrelated note... my younger brother picked the Abacus on his 1st and only attempt ( meaning he did not put it in his mouth guess).

Monday, September 22, 2008

Do You Remember Love

I know this Post came alot sooner than it should...

It has been an inspiring weekend for me... I have seen so much coincidence and links to my past and not to mention this particular video on Childhood Dreams which I suddenly remember about when I chance upon the book by the presenter Randy Pauch at Popular. Speaking of that video, which also motivated my lazy fat ass into action, I decided to recall what are my childhood dreams .

On a side note, Macross :Do You remember Love is the 1st anime i bought with my own hard earn $$$ around 10 years ago. It also lead me on a road of no return down my addiction to certain genre of anime. The theme song of that movie is Do you remember love, and guess what, I hear that song once again on Sat night while watching Episode 24 of Macross Frontier...So nostalgic.

To the main topic... My childhood dreams... for those of you, who know me well, I always say I wanna be a director or actor in Japan haha~ ( yes, its not becoming the God of Mahjong, I know I have talent but still...) Well I guess thats my childhood dream... But thinking hard upon it, I realise that what I want to be is more of a director, a story teller, to tell a story that everybody will like and love for years to come.

By sheer coincidence again, I chance upon something that might help me achieve this little childish dream of mine and no, I'm not flying off to japan to audition for some films where clothing sense is not required. (Thou that would be great too)... Keep a lookout here soooon ~~~ =p

*Updated* Click here To take a look at my new pet project ~

Really have to thank Randy Pausch, maybe you just help another guy fulfil his childhood dream. May you remain as Trigger in wherever you are right now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Been not blogging for quite a while. Fear not, its not because I'm suffering from some god damn diease or what, its just because I simply have too much show to watch lately~ Have a small break now since I just finished watching the 3rd Season of Supernatural ( Courtesy of Pirate King Tips), catch up on the latest Soul Eater and Code Geass. And guess what, 3rd season of Heroes and 4th season of Supernatural is comming... ~ O , least I forgot, Guni just pass me Harold and Kumar and I still have not finish watching my 太王四神記. Think my next post will be quite long away from this...

Had a weird dream last night ~ Its so vivid too. I dreamt that I have a pet spider. The spider is black in colour with yellow stripes, and its bigger than my palm. And thats not the weridest part... The spider SMSed me, telling me not to be so shock that it is SMSing me...=( Am I going crazy ? Or had I watch too many epsidoes of Supernatural at a go ?