Monday, June 30, 2008

You're Still You

As of today, this blog is officially open to public :p Thus, the completely new look, base on feedbacks I recived. Keep them comming people...~

I was reading an article on Ads of the future some time ago , and one particular concept is how they are planning to show customised Ads on your TV , base on your financial condition. This is a must read for anyone taking marketing. *cough*Yang Guo*cough*

The following is an example of that particular concept.

"The high-income family may get an ad showing a man buying his wife a new diamond necklace, while the poor family next door will get the same ad except, but maybe with an added bit where the guy sells a kidney so he can afford it first. "

I swear the example is provided by the site where i read the article from.
It sure seems like something I won't want to see on my TV, for should it ever appear, I bet it will show the man selling a kidney, his left hand and maybe his backside...

And now here I am, siting alone in my room, speaking to my inner self, as I await the return of Tips, the Pirate King ~

For those of you who still don't know about it, this is what I want to see on my TV.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Back from a suprisingly pleasant ICT ~
Thou I have collected some "black greens" and a tan, it was quite worth it as I finally got my marksman award ~~ Thou its not really 100% due to my superb shooting, and the fact that my night blindness almost cost me the award, I only care about the results haha~
The guy in this video remind me of myself ^_^ Especially the "out smart" quote haha~

Enjoy ~

Monday, June 16, 2008


Just a few more hours to my ICT. This shall be my last post till my return. This is the 2nd time I go for an ICT on the Anniversay of my ORD.

For those who don't know, the song playing in the background currently is 曹格 - 背叛. Life is full of weird concidence. For the past few days, I have been having the same dream of a certain unhappy event that happened more than 2 years ago. Upon hearing this song in TV ads, I am further reminded of the gloomy weather and the decisions I made back then . For someone who is suffering from poor working memory like me, I am suprise that I can still remember the event in detail.

I wonder, isn't that event concluded ... This sudden nostagia bout is irrating me. As I do not have a time machine, remembering so much about the past unhappy events is not going to change anything, and yet part of me seem to be linger onto that piece of memory, as if its reminding me that I am going to lose something precious...

Friday, June 13, 2008

On Your Mark

I wonder how many of you found this blog by yourself ? But as you can see, there is still alot of work in progress going on here. Nevertheless I will congrate you on finding here before I tell you about it. You truly must be someone who understand me well. Give yourself a chocolate bar.

As you can tell by now, this is slightly different from The Gui Files. It will be less entertaining, as its more on the reflections I have on my mudance daily life. There will be less bitching, pictures, movies and low blows on various useless orgainzation or people.

It will simply be more about things from the point of view of the other half of Gui, the not yet insane half.