Saturday, July 26, 2008


Been sooo sooo sooo busy that I can't do a proper post I really need a break, go somewhere .. go somewhere special... But 1st and foremost, I must share this with everyone, The Dark Knight is great, go watch it if you have not. Thou I have to admit, I don't like and have no idea why Bruce's voice changed to that rough and unclear mode when he put on the mask... It makes it damn hard to hears whats he is saying... This film, have nevertheless wipe from my memory the Batman with nipples from my memory. Good Riddence.

I have no Idea what they are for...

My house is currently under going some minor renovation... Finally, after so many years, my father changed the broken toilet door... And I must say... the new door looks great... So great that I think...the nicest looking place in my flat is the toilet door... ~ Think maybe I must convience him to change my curtain, and then renovate the whole flate to fit the toilet door...

After looking at the new toilet door, I was inspired to clean up my room which is not too much different from a pig sly, minus the pig and the mud. I did not too bad, managed to squeeze all the ugly army stuff in some corners of the room where the naked eyes can't see, swept and mop the floor with Dettol, cleaned the wall of the lizard dropings, clear my table. If I could, I would fog the room too, too bad I can't.

Isn't it inspiring what a brand new toilet door can do for me... now if only they change it weekly...~By the way, click here to see a promo for season 2 of Gundam 00.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Why So Serious

Which Dark Knight Character Are You?

You are Joker. When people see you coming they usually scurry away like mice! You are moody and dark and extremely intense. You can be cool and calm one moment, but then wild and crazy the next! You seek revenge on those that have hurt you- and your revenge is often much worse than anything imagined. You are a feared leader, and take challenges very seriously. You will do whatever it takes- with no exception- to get what you want. You are confident and intelligent and tell the world exactly what you think- and you apologize for nothing!

Find Your Character @

Now now, this really isn't a serious concern. Nobody have to hide their sharp objects from me...


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Life is Like a Boat

Was Feeling kinda nostagic when OCK ask me to name old school HK comedy. The 1st title that came to my mind was Love on a delivary. Heres a not too short clip on it.

Sorry to those who don't understand Cantonese. Reading the subtitle will only give you 1/2 the joy that I had when I was re-watching it last night.

Lately, I feel that the power above ( God or whatever you like to call him/her/it/them) had got bored of sodomising my soul. They have decided to sodomise my friends' soul instead. Seeing how my friends had become saddens me. Not that I am appealing to the powers above to sodomise me instead, but I do hope that they can go take a break or something like that.

In another news, with no relation to sodomising of any kind. If everyone reading this can recall, some people decide to raise the taxes and give themselve a hefty pay raise at the same time last year...( No, please do not link the tax raise to their pay raise, they are Honest people with intergrity you know). Today, I was kinda in shocked, when I read in the news that one of those people is advicing Employers not to increase the wages of Employee because it will lead to inflation. I wonder, didn't the same people considered this Inflation problem when they raises the tax ? Or when they raise their own wage ? So raising their own wages will not lead to inflation ? So many important decisions to make, its hardly a mistake to overlook that right...

O by the way, I simply admire those people. I would love to be one of those people who will NEVER make mistakes. Those people who can keep their job till they die no matter what happened. Its more than a golden rice bowl. Its a golden rice bowl embedded with 10 caret diamonds. And you know what, I don't mind going around kissing babies. Its my dream job. My life is no different from a sail boat now, I can only go where the wind blows. Please blow me there :p

And just incase a sudden sodomy charge is trump against me, I hereby declare that I have no interest in playing with human's, animal's or alien's Ka Chng...